Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your interest in Omega Resilience Awards (ORA). Your tax-deductible donation supports our work to foster innovative actions for global resilience.

ORA is a catalytic grantmaking program that provides fellowships and research grants and hosts a community of people working to increase our collective resilience in these turbulent times. Our goal is to support new models of thinking, leadership, communication, and engagement in response to the unique challenges we are facing across our planet.

ORA was initiated in 2022, in direct response to the global polycrisis. We believe that by working in community with people from diverse fields we can understand the core components and features of resilient societies and communities – and when we collectively articulate this insight, we can inspire high impact solutions. 

ORA is led by a small core team skilled in grantmaking, program design, systems thinking, and communications. We work closely with global anchor partners Health of Mother Earth Foundation in Africa, STARTUP! In India, and Asociación Argentina de Abogados/as Ambientalistas /Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial in Latin America, who have deep understanding of resilience at the country and community level. 

Our work supports the kinds of resilience-building actions the world needs now, and we are deeply grateful for your support. 

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