From Crisis to Resilience
This video was produced by Emery Ndayizeye, an Omega Resilience Awards (ORA) 2024 Africa Fellow. In 2017, Mbouyasse Magalie, had to leave her home country, the Central African Republic, after a traumatic experience. While travelling in the country, she was attacked by highway robbers and by chance she managed to escape. Her sister, who was […]
A Journalist’s Journey of Environmental Advocacy and Resilience
Despite the many challenges I have faced, I maintain a positive spirit. I am a strong believer in empowering all generations and helping them to see possibilities and press on for success.
Advancing Climate Justice and Community Resilience in Uganda
What drives my passion is the spirit of ‘Ubuntu,’ a sense of justice and a love for nature. I recognize that my actions, no matter how small, can contribute to a larger impact to build a resilient community against climate changes. am fueled by the resilience and determination of my fellow activists, and I am committed to continuing this fight for as long as it takes to create a better future for all to live.
Vengo del futuro
Discúlpenme si me impaciento con la historia Vengo del futuro Con las raíces en la tierra Y recuerdo el trabajo duro Y nunca rehúyo De las luchas en defensa de la naturaleza Comprometido con el núcleo más íntimo Que construyó el pasado Y que es aquello que perdurará Discúlpenme si me impaciento con la historia […]
I come from the future
Read Spanish version here Pardon me if I’m impatient with history I come from the future Rooted in the soil I recall the toil And never recoil From the struggles to defend Nature Fixated on the innermost core That built your past And that is what will last Pardon me if I’m impatient with history […]
The Weal Podcast
The Weal Podcast is a limited podcast series on rest in the polycrisis produced by ORA Africa 2023 Fellow, Jennifer Uchendu. Her work focuses on the connections between Eco-Anxiety, Climate Change, and Mental Health. The Weal Podcast features a series of conversations with African change makers on rest in the polycrisis and how to reclaim […]
A Journey of Love and Resilience: An Interview with dipti bhatnagar
I am a human being who believes in love, care, joy, resilience, resistance, and ubuntu and in having a livable planet for all humans and all beings to survive and thrive.
Who are ORA Fellows?
Nnimmo Bassey, founder of health of Mother Earth Foundation, describes the unique cohort of people who create the ORA Africa Fellow. program.
The Creeping Health Crisis
As the weather gets warmer and wetter due to climate change, it is creating the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive.
Mother Nature’s Rage: Effects of climate change in Kenya’s coast region
A rise in your body temperature is usually something to worry about. In fact, an elevated body temperature could be a sign of a serious infection similar to which a rise in global temperatures should worry humanity as this will interfere with the balance that enables organisms on this planet, including you and I, to […]