Polycrisis Research and Action Roadmap- Gaps, opportunities, and priorities for polycrisis research and action

This report release was originally published by Cascade Institute, a recipient of Omega Resilience Awards’ Research Grant. The report authors are Michael Lawrence, Megan Shipman, Scott Janzwood, Constantin Arnscheidt, Jonathan Donges, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Christian Otto, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, Nico Wunderling. This Roadmap, a collaboration between the Cascade Institute, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Research Institute for […]


Haga clic aquí para leer la versión en español Onergia – Renewable Energies Cooperative – Founded in 2017 Onergia Cooperative is a social enterprise of renewable energies made up of an interdisciplinary team of young people from different fields, ranging from engineers, social and environmental sciences experts, to economists. Onergia was conceived on two main […]

Articular la crisis y crear alternativas radicales

Click here to read post in English Este informe fue publicado originalmente por GTA, beneficiario de la subvención a la investigación de Omega Resilience Awards. Este documento ha sido coordinado y elaborado por Shrishtee Bajpai y Vasna Ramasar con aportaciones de Ashish Kothari, Franco Augusto y Madhuresh Kumar. Este informe presenta las experiencias de un […]

Articulating Crisis and Creating Radical Alternatives

Haga clic aquí para leer el post en español This report was originally published by GTA, a recipient of Omega Resilience Awards’ Research Grant. This document has been coordinated and put together by Shrishtee Bajpai and Vasna Ramasar with inputs from Ashish Kothari, Franco Augusto and Madhuresh Kumar. This report presents the experiences of a process of […]

EJN and Deakin University Release Report on Journalists’ Understanding of—and Approach to Reporting on—the ‘Global Polycrisis’

This report release was originally published by EJN, a recipient of Omega Resilience Awards’ Research Grant. The report authors are Gabi Mocatta, Shaneka Saville, Nicholas Payne, Lova Jansson, Jerry Lai, and Kristy Hess. People everywhere are experiencing economic crises such as inflation and growing unemployment, health crises from pandemics to hunger, political crises from the […]


Click here to read English version Onergia – Cooperativa de Energías Renovables – Fundada en el 2017 La Cooperativa Onergia es una empresa social en energías renovables conformada por un equipo interdisciplinario de jóvenes en diferentes ramas, desde ingenieros pasando por estudiosos de las ciencias sociales y ambientales hasta economistas. Onergia surgió a partir de dos objetivos […]

Vengo del futuro

Discúlpenme si me impaciento con la historia Vengo del futuro Con las raíces en la tierra Y recuerdo el trabajo duro Y nunca rehúyo De las luchas en defensa de la naturaleza Comprometido con el núcleo más íntimo Que construyó el pasado Y que es aquello que perdurará Discúlpenme si me impaciento con la historia […]

I come from the future

Read Spanish version here Pardon me if I’m impatient with history I come from the future Rooted in the soil I recall the toil  And never recoil  From the struggles to defend Nature Fixated on the innermost core  That built your past  And that is what will last  Pardon me if I’m impatient with history […]