Nosotras venimos de las estrellas / We Come From The Stars
The machi Millaray Huichalaf has been leading the defense of the Pilmailquén River for more than 13 years.
¿Que te puedo decir? / What can I tell you?
We are brave women, fighters.
Cooperativismo y energía y ser humana / Cooperativism & Energy & Being Human
Orlanda Huerto Ponce, becaria de ORA, analiza el poder de tres y cómo reinventar una transición energética cooperativa. / ORA Fellow Orlanda Huerto Ponce discusses the power of three and re-imagining a cooperative energy transition.
Who are ORA Fellows?
Nnimmo Bassey, founder of health of Mother Earth Foundation, describes the unique cohort of people who create the ORA Africa Fellow. program.
The Future is We: ORA Fellows gathered in Buenos Aires
In December, AAdeAA/CAJE, led by Ana Museri and Sofi Nemenmann, convened the inaugural cohort of ORA LatAm Fellows.
In the matter Re: Rights of Nature
What rights, if any, does Nature have?
Bringing to light the polycrisis with a focus on India and philanthropic action
How does a polycrisis lens inform approaches to philanthropy in India?
Shared Global Problems Make Imagined Futures Relatable Across Cultures
Indian novelist Samit Basu discusses how speculative and science fiction genres transcend cultural and national borders more easily than expected.
Silk Punk and the Reimagining of Modernity
Ken Liu discusses the “silk punk” genre and how it overturns the paradigm of diminishing or erasing Indigenous ways of knowing.
The Creeping Health Crisis
As the weather gets warmer and wetter due to climate change, it is creating the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive.